A hospital. The wild west. An Italian Restaurant with suspiciously small servings.
The distinctions between time and space are collapsing for Kelly following the death of her father, and anything from a wedding toast to a sinister advertising campaign might hold the secret of where it all went wrong.
“You were a very small child. So small that when I took you places people gave me looks like, ‘Don’t break that child!’ Like you were a doll. WalMart, KMart, anywhere. ‘Don’t break her!’” - Robert, Waiting
2 M, 3 F, full length play with music. One act version also available.
Music by Pornchanok Kanchanabanca
Production History
The Barrow Group, Student Performance Residency, Jan 2019
Reading directed by Tomer Adorian
Columbia Stages, Schapiro Theatre, May 2017
Production directed by Anne Cecelia Haney
A New Memory, Athena Writes, May 2017
Reading directed by Laura Pittenger
Columbia Stages, Schapiro Theatre, December 2016
One act production directed by Nana Dakin.
Pictured: Maki Borden, Santoya Fields, Tsebiyah Misheal Derry*, Mark Quiles* and Sarah White in Haney's Columbia Stages production.
Photos by Gordon Penn.